Elizabeth’s view on free education

Education Should be free for all students interested in furthering their education…

Elizabeth Warren is not counting on half-measures in her effort to win the White House. The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts is campaigning on big ideas — and the more of them there are, the better.

Her latest offering is a detailed proposal to make two- and four-year public colleges free for students, accompanied by plans to forgive the student loans of up to 42 million Americans, plus a pledge of at least $50 billion in new funding to support historically black colleges and universities. She would pay for all this with her proposed “Ultra-Millionaire Tax” on the 75,000 American families who possess at least $50 million in wealth.

“This is about opportunity for everyone,” she said Monday night at a CNN town hall at Harvard University.” – https://theweek.com/articles/836941/elizabeth-warrens-polarizing-plan-make-college-free

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